Everyone wants to look their absolute best, including themselves! But what if your hair isn’t quite right? Do you know which hair color is the best for your locks? Or how can you tell the difference between the latest hair trends? Hair is a major component of your overall aesthetics and reflects both your personal taste as well as your racial and ethnic background.
You see, not all hair is the same—and some hair colors are far better than you might think. Although they may not be as widespread as they used to be, hair colors have become quite a big deal in the beauty world. So, here’s what you need to know about hair colors:
What is the Best Hair Color?
The best hair color is the one that flatters your coloring, whether you’re blond, red, brunette, or any other hair color. This is because the color will adapt to your unique hereditary traits, from the shade and intensity of the actual color to the thickness, shape, and even how it moves with your head.
The color should also be able to withstand frequent washing, conditioning, drying, and styling. These factors all play a role in determining which hair color is the best for you.
The Truth About Hair Colors
While there are many different types of hair colors, they’re all tied to one particular hair follicle. The color within the follicle is what causes the hair to appear red, orange, or blonde. That said, there are a few hair colors that are more complicated than the others.
For example, dark brown hair will have a different shade of brown in it than light brown hair because the hair has a different shade of pigment in it. The pigment in dark brown hair is known as “alkaline,” while the pigment in light brown is “base.”
What is the Best Hair Colour to Cover Grey? A Comprehensive Guide
How to Choose the Right Hair Color
When it comes to choosing the right hair color, there are a few aspects to take into consideration. First, you want to make sure the color matches your skin tone. If your hair is lighter than the color you want for your scalp, you’ll end up with a color that’s too light for your hair.
Next, you want to make sure the color is a good match for your hair type. You don’t want to go with a color that’s too dark for your hair’s texture, or one that’s too light for your hair type. Finally, you want to make sure the color doesn’t clash with any of your other personal interests or activities. For example, you don’t want to go with a color that’s too bright forrunning errands with your toddler because it will look silly on you.
The 6 Most Popular Hair Color Trends

Hair trends change, and although we all love the latest and greatest trends, there’s no point in following them if your hair doesn’t match. So, to help you out, here are the most popular hair color trends: Blonde hair: According to a study, more than 80% of people have tried this trend.
Blonde hair is naturally beautiful and shiny, and it can be dyed just about any color. It’s versatile, too—you can wear it straight, relaxed, or even a little bit curly. Black hair: Black hair is naturally very dark, so it’s a great color to choose if you want your locks to stand out.
It can be lightened, though, which results in a more “done” look. Red hair: Red hair is also known as “Viking” hair, and it’s incredibly popular among Scandinavians. Natural red hair can be quite dense, though, so it’s recommended that you go for a relaxed, mousse-free option whenever possible.
Coastal blonde hair: This is a more lower-key variation on the blonde hair theme. It’s often referred to as “southern” hair, and it’s often blonde, brown, or red.
The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing a Hair Color
Choosing a hair color is an important process, but there are so many options it can be difficult. You don’t have to go out and buy a new color every time a new hair trend comes out—in fact, that’s not a good idea. Instead, you can choose from the over 90 hair colors at home with Garnier Healthy color lamp! Garnier Healthy color lamp!
You can choose from 11 different shades and tints, so you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing a new color. The most important thing you can do is to pick out a color that’s flattering for your hair type and complexion. Next, check out how the color looks on other people. Although this is definitely not the most aesthetic decision you’ll make, it’s still important to see what other people have to say about the color you’ve chosen.
Are Hair Colors permanent?
When it comes to whether or not hair colors are permanent, the answer is definitely yes. What’s more, the long-term effects of too much sun exposure and aging are the main reasons why you want to avoid permanent hair colors.
Sun sensitivity is the main reason why: UV rays from the sun can damage your hair color, even if you’re in the shade. Although you want to protect your hair from the sun, you also don’t want to go overboard. With that in mind, here are the top 3 reasons why hair colors are permanent:
1. Color Rinse: Because the color was originally applied to your hair, it needs to be washed out with a rinse. 2. Over wash: Over washing your hair not only damages the color, but it will also dull your natural hair color. 3. Dry shampoo: Dry shampoo isobutyl alcohol is used as a cleaning agent, but it also prevents your natural hair color from returning.
Are Hair Colors harmful to your hair?
While hair colors do provide your locks with some shine, they also contain chemicals and dyes that can be harmful to your hair and scalp. For example, hair dyes can darken your hair and scalp, which can lead to clogging of your pores and oily hair.
And of course, there’s the issue that hair colors are not completely permanent: You can always change your mind and decide that you want your hair back to its natural color.